These are a few examples of work I've created professionally or as assignments in my graduate studies.
Instructional Design in Canvas
I have worked with Canvas in multiple professional contexts to create online and hybrid learning experiences. The videos below present a snapshot of the most recent courses I created, co-created, or modified.
Data Dashboard Course
This course was developed to introduce teachers and staff to a new data dashboard tool. It follows a design cadence intended for grade level teams to explore dashboard features collaboratively during team meetings. Design elements include:
a short video tutorial led by a district SME about each feature of the dashboard
a step set sheet to complement the information in the video tutorial
a hands on activity for participants to engage in the steps outlined in the tutorial & step sheet
discussion questions for the group based on the hands on activity
SOS process steps in the event participants run into trouble during the course
a parking lot for questions to be answered at a later date
Back to School 23-24
This course was designed to introduce district staff to some key initiatives at the beginning of the 23-24 school year. It was created to be used as independent exploration or with collaborative grade level teams. The course provided a solution to deliver information to all district staff removing constraints such as availability of space, time, and facilitators.
Blended Learning 101
This course was created using a compilation of resources from a 3 year Blended Learning grant initiative. As the grant cycle came to an end, it was important to repackage the learning and resources in a way that ensured the ongoing implementation of the work of the grant. The course was designed to be used in a hybrid environment as well as a facilitated online course.
The course design document illustrates the instructional design cadence and includes links to resources used in the course modules. Some resources are my original designs and some are repurposed resources from the grant materials.
Gifted and Talented 30 Hour Foundations Course
This video shows the module outline of a required GT 30 Hour Foundations course. The original course was designed by an outside SME, but the video shows a version that I have copied and modified to meet evolving needs of the district. This is a self-paced course with multiple design features such as:
requirement to complete each module in sequential order (use of prerequisites)
requirements to complete every activity to maintain forward progress through the course
varied learning activities (reading content, videos, discussions, quizzes, assignments)
I also guided the development of a required Gifted and Talented 6 Hour Update course in Canvas that incorporated elements of choice. I designed this 24-25 GT Update Guided Notes document for learners to complete and submit upon completion of the course.
Hands On Learning Lab
This is a professional development resource I created on Google Sites. It is intended to be used in a blended learning environment or as a fully online experience.
Visual Media
I created this video as a reflective culmination of learning in EDTC 5340, a course that examines the educational implications of Makerspaces in schools.
Job Aide/Resource Guide
Click the image above to see a resource website I created to help guide elementary educators in the integration of the Technology Application TEKS into everyday classroom instruction.
Event Coordination
Click the image above to view a video highlighting the Middle School Battle of the Books competition I pioneered and coordinated.
Instructional Design with Storyline
I’ve dabbled in Articulate Storyline and look forward to opportunities to learn more as I grow my expertise in creating online learning experiences.
Event Coordination/Project Management
The Library & Literacy Summit was an annual conference I coordinated for area librarians and literacy educators.
Job Aide/Resource Guide
The image above (created in Canva) links to a Technology Application TEKS wiki I created as a grad school assignment.
Online Learning Creation & Facilitation
For several semesters I facilitated an online book study for school librarians and classroom teachers. Using Edmodo as our digital platform, teachers and librarians were able to learn and collaborate asynchronously with like-minded colleagues across Texas.
Digital Resource Coordination
In-Sight - is quarterly curriculum & instruction blog I maintained for Region 13. In addition to contributing articles to the blog my role was to organize, post, and publish the blog articles in each issue.
Grad School Portfolio
My EDTC portfolio is a collection of artifacts from my grad school experience at Texas State. It was a culmination project required for graduation.
Blog & Project Collection
bloom - a blog created during my first semester of grad school. It links out to various assignments created that semester and also includes a few professionally reflective posts.
Digital Story
The Travel Adventures of Captain Cook - a digital story created in Prezi for a grad school assignment.